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Wellness Info

Physical Activities and Step Counting

It is important to exercise in a way that is fun for you. You are more likely to stick with an activity that you enjoy, and variety is great!

Photo by “Matti Mattila”. Creative Commons license.

Many of you have asked how to count “steps” for activities that may not register on the pedometer. Any of the physical activities listed in the Physical Activity Equivalency Chart below (the chart can also be downloaded), when done in moderate intensity for the recommended number of minutes, equals one kilometer of walking or 1300 steps.Many of the activities below will register on your pedometer. An example would be walking the golf course. If you wear your pedometer, count the steps, but do not also add on the extra minutes.  When you total your daily “steps” you may record the following activities as steps on the log sheet if they were not recorded on your pedometer.

a place of mind, The University of British Columbia

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